Going in and out of session is like the beginning and end of the school year. We bust our asses doing work, we win; we lose and then we cannot wait to go home. So we are already about two months past proposed adjournment date. We are still debating ANWR?? So we work and work and work some more which then ends up getting stripped out or pared down to nothing. Congressional leaders have no backbone. We owe it to people to debate in the open and vote. Not this last minute rushed crap. I hope we wrap soon, still have to buy my Christmas presents.
The issue that is holding everything up is ANWR. To drill or not to drill that is the question. For us Dems this is the environmental vote for the year. That's a major shame, because we should focus our effort on something real like clean air and clean water. No the Alaskan North Slope, where are the enviros when the Bush Administration opened up all of our federal lands to timber and mining companies? They put all their chips into this issue and its a waste! No wonder why people don't listento us. We fight to save artic carbou and not to provide clean water!
Congress go home!
Electronic 'signal jamming' devices used for car thefts set to be banned
The, including so-called signal jammers, are thought to play a part in four
out of 10 vehicle thefts.
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