I know I cant break this work track until Im actually ready to do it. But damn wouldnt it be nice to live in Hermosa or Manhattan Beach. To wake up and see the beach, to spend your weekends just there would blow me away. So why am I scared to leave and go? Is it not kowing what i would do out there, is it fear of letting myself be happy, or do i have myslef convinvced that work is happiness. Can i leave politics?
I love work but i have a wall up, how do i break it so i can have the job, have the lifestyle, could an east coast beach provide the same feel??
The reason I bring this up is that an old friend and his wife moved from the safety on Bmore to Cali, good for fucking them..thats awesome. I learned alot from this friend, he always did what he wanted, he just did what he wanted and he wanted to have the gear, know how and skills to do it the best that he can, plus he taught me the beauty of steak-Ums, rice and A1.
Arrest warrant issued for member of cult exposed by BBC
The BBC exposed the Lighthouse life-coaching organisation for ruining the
lives of its members.
When are you moving back out there?
I still have to work in the White House..thenI can go. i don't know, i just get jumpy sometimes. Everyone is out there and I need to start balancing.
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