Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Who doesnt love a parade. This weekend we marched through some fun ones. There is nothing like sweating to death in the heat and humidity. Thankfully, we got mainly cheers and very little boos. I like all the big pretzels and all the cotton candy. I like all th epolitical signs. I like seeing the soldiers and getting the cool fly bys. They need to put more misters on the parade routes. I did cach some of the marchers talking on their cell phones that's wrong. I like seeing the kids. All the politicos were out in force, and I mean force and their crews were out. In my area we are very color oriented. I need tothin of better campaign gear? How about face plates for cell phones? Sunglasses with different colored lenses? Do rags? Maybe flip flops?

1 comment:

One Little Seedling said...

I vote do rag!