Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Les Halles Scum Bag

Why do people walk out without paying? The damn minimum wage earning worker gets screwed again by Republican a-hole. I was at Les Halles tonight. Great meal the review will come later I promise. Smoking cigars, eating snails and steak, mac and cheese, and wine and whiskey. All the components to a world class french bistro meal. Sitting with my cousins we commanded the great table and next to us was a Tuesday night date. He was pushing hard. He threw everything at his date. His views on the middle east, champagne and sweet ass Les Halles. Any normal person would have closed but he got shot down. She blackberried while he talked. He offered to get drinks someplace else and got nothing but frost. She wanted to go home but he chimed in with getting a night cap at her place but instead he got, " place is really messy." To say he got the Heisman would be a compliment. Then the fucker walks out on server Gwen without fucking paying. What a dick?!?!??!! This guy needs an ass kicking. Dont take your failure out on the wait staff learn to be a man and learn to be winning and cool.

1 comment:

One Little Seedling said...

He would have gotten points for picking up the tab. Ugh... after reading that bums me out all over again. Why can't some people just suck it up and take the loss. Things don't always end up as "kisses in the rain".