Saturday, September 23, 2006

What work should be like...

I was doing some busness out reach for my boss this week. I went to a company in my district that focuses in on entertainment activites. They had ping pong, pool table, xbox and ps2 hooked up to huge flat screen tv's. Because it was an entertainment company the mantra was have fun becayuse we produce fun.

It was such a different environement Walking aorund oyu could feel the joy. I asked about retention rate and they said no one leaves. Because of all the fun things to do the women when they cant find a sitter can have the kids play at work. Fostering that sense of loving your job is essential to get the most out of people. It establishes loyality and makes it stronger.

They bring in food for the staff lunch and breakfst atleast once a week. The were rleeasing aproduct in afew days an that morning the whole company spent four hours trying out the new product and providing feedback. They were enjoying it but because the environemnt is so open that all sorts of positive feedback was coming in.

After seeing that and reading Let My People go surfing you realize that there are alternative models to work.

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