Monday, November 20, 2006

The Smith’s Pre- T-Day Feast

Names and places have been changed to protect the innocent.

I had a fabulous Pre-T-Day feast at the Smith’s. A massive turkey, killer gravy, cornbread stuffing, whipped potatoes, candied yams, tarragon green beans, maple carrots, cranberry relish, rolls, a mixed green pumpkin seed salad, pumpkin mouse, pumpkin pie, and peach cobbler, more wine than a well stocked cellar, cheeses galore and refreshing sparkling and still.

The table was beautifully laid out. I like to think I have that kind of taste but I don’t. Mine is so basic and the settings and placements were all very warm and accommodating.

This dinner was like walking into a Food Network Challenge. If I was a judge of this challenge I would say: “This meal evokes the best of what Thanksgiving is all about. The smell, the senses, the company, and the food were all spot on. I had a terrible time controlling my desire to have thirds and fourths because everything was so tasty. It was a traditional T-Day meal done the right way and near perfect.”

My second time at this feast left me wanting more and more and more. I have a to-go package thoughtfully given to me by my host but I fear it will not be enough. If you have a chance to go to the Smith’s I highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

ART said...

You're a dork. But thanks!
Ms. Smith