Saturday, December 09, 2006

Last Desperate Grab at Power

We won lets close up shop and go home and start fresh with the 110th Congress.

Ha- we are still working and it 2:30AM... waiting, waiting to wrap up and adjourn sine die. Its late. its always late for Hill Staffers. The work doesn't stop the voting doesnt stop the job doesnt stop.

I ran into an AMA lobbyist at the book store, at the book store, and he was bending my ear about medicare reimburement rates for god sakes I want to read my stupide British Esquire not get a lecture on doctors leaving and quality of patient care suffering. Who am I kidding i love that stuff.

Anyway, they held us up late for no real reason...but we are finally ending.

A last power grasp and they go out on a wimper.

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