Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Woman in White

As I get closer my emotions are all a swirl. She radiates something but it isnt heat. Her face looks soft but blurry. My fear subsides as I approach her. She is my safety. I get closer and reach out to touch safety to only be repulsed by a shock of icyness tyhat pulses through my arm. her face is blank with black eyes. I look at her, "No, No, it cant be." i stumble backwards falling to the ground. The woman in white moves closer. :No!" i scream.


One Little Seedling said...

Yeah, but do you see boobies?

One Little Seedling said...

Woh. Did you JUST change this. The color flipped me out.

CapitolSwell said...

I just changed it. I got a new version of blogger

SoNSo1 said...

You should use the categories. It'll make searching easier. See BlueRyder for that.