Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Q & A Again

Chopsticks vs Fork and Spoon?
- Spoon picks up rice better.

Favorite Japanese Food?

Could you have sex with a hot nun/priest?
- I think i'm going to be hit by a bolt of lightening, oh well of course i could.

Does Mormon Porn exist?
- I have to belive in capitalism.

Is it good?
-No way.

Should "It's A Wonderful Life" be redone and updated?
-No its a classic that deserves to stand the test of time.

Are there any movies that should be redone?
-A english version of "L'ecole espagnole" or "The Big Red One"

Worst Christmas Present?
-Purple Mom sweater, i wanted a purple shirt once and she thoguht i really liked the color.

Favorite Vacation Spot?
-Blue Lagoon Iceland

Would you use the Omega 13 from Galaxy Quest?
- No, got to live with the choices and consequences.

Is "Friends" a good show?
-I watched it all the time, so i guess i like it, but watching some of the early shows is painful.


SoNSo1 said...

I think they already made an english language version of the Big Red One

ART said...


ART said...

And chopsticks are for sissies.

Hokie Girl 99 said...

Fork - i like squishing the rice between the tines

I couldn't have sex with a nun or a priest even if they were hot

I have to agree, i think there probably is mormon porn - and that it isn't very good

I love it's a wonderful life and thought that the colorized version is blasphemous

movies to be re-done: not sure, but I can tell you that La Femme Nikita should not have been

Christmas present: probably the Christmas sweaters i get every year from my crazy aunt

Vacation - i've never been anywhere really cool, so i will just say Sanibel Is.

Friends is a show that you can watch at midnight and fall asleep to, but not one worth buying on DVD to watch whenever you want