Friday, March 09, 2007

The Crusie

Me and the Legislative Branch Subcomittee staffers were on a StaffDel (Congress peak for a staff trip)...We were going on a boat/crusie and we were hurrying. We missed the boat so we had to crash in a nearby hotel, but we didnt get seperate rooms. In fact we all got lumped into one room. i was bored so i went exploring. I was wlaking through a Disneyland Tahitia Village or Internatioanl Marketplace, you know tiki wood, pacific island artifacts, coconuts. I was rummaging around for some goodies. then in the distance i see one fo the staffers and she is yelling at me to hurry up...I get on the boat and we are off...

man my dreams are boring...why cant I have BrowserMetric dreams...


ART said...

Leg Branch Subcommittee staffers - you are so full of shit.

Perhaps staffER would be more accurate, don't you think?

CapitolSwell said...

No it was all of us i swear