Monday, April 23, 2007

BtVS Season 8

Why are Buffy and Xander getting together? Just because Xander looks like Nick Fury doesnt make him cool. You have years of Xander pining after Buffy and they save the world and they are together. Buffy never showed any interest in him...that love story is creepy. You might as well have Xander and Willow hooking up...geez.

I wonder how long until Riley appears...The First cant be the only evil she faces this season. I would like to see an evil Buffy turning slayers evil!

Maybe Buffy will cross over into the Amazing X-Men....that would be geek heaven.


One Little Seedling said...

They're together? I missed that part. You have to admit though it's cool as hell to see Willow pop up floating. It's gonna be a crazy battle between Amy and her.

I think it's weirder that Andrew is now a MAJOR part of the team. He was funny and all, but come on he was a Trio. I know he helped in the end, but there's something off about him being a part of the team. I just can't wait till Faith shows up as some gung ho slayer. And how long will it be before 'The Death Of Giles" will pop up as a title?

Hokie Girl 99 said...

i thought that show was cancelled like 5 years ago...

SoNSo1 said...

Who's Andrew?

CapitolSwell said...

part of season 6 bad guy triumverate...super geek crew..kind of a follower

Mercy13 said...

Ok... first off: The show has been continued as a comic book by Joss Whedon and, I think, some of the other scriptwriters.

And what made you think that Buffy and Xander were getting together? I believe only the first 3 issues have come out so far. The only "hint" is one of Buffy's dreams, but Xander had a dream in the 3rd season about Buffy's mom and Willow and Tara (Restless). Just 'cause she has a dream doesn't mean they're getting together.

I'm glad you caught the Nick Fury thing though! I didn't until a friend pointed it out.

Geez... I'm such a nerd... lol!

CapitolSwell said...

mercy13 good point but remeber buffy also has prophetic it could be a developing plot line...of course I am a softy and have always wanted Xander and Buffy to be together