Monday, October 01, 2007

Where's Waldo?

If you look closely you can see me!!!


ART said...

Who is that GUY ASLEEP next to you!!!???!?!?!?!

SoNSo1 said...

I figured as much that it was you in the picture.

Are you trying to be cool?

CapitolSwell said...

Of course I'm trying to be cool at my Legisaltive Branch appropriations mark up sitting next to a lobbyist for the National Federation of the Blind and one of Chairman Obey's guys.

My job is great. Sitting in this cramped room, going over budget numbers is the coolest thing ever! Getting yelled at by the disabled community, not having enough funds to keep the Capitol running, and telling people we have to shut down your program and you are fired sings of awesomeness.

I wish it was cool but it is just work.