So we are voting on an appropriations conference report and it took forever to get through. I used to love these days. Catch up on work. Absorb all the power. Now, its just slow. You yearn for dinner, you yearn for real cable instead of just having the house of representaitves news channels and espn. You bug the cloakroom and leadership office with questions about precise time of last votes.
What do you do during late votes: track the boss down, work, dinner.....
The worse thing during late votes is going to talk to the Congressman. First you have to find him...please i dont want to go to the Member's gym. Old naked white men is not my idea of a good time. Or worse you go seek your boss out at late night vote dinner. Walking into a room of memebrs who don't want staff around sucks. they look at you and dont think about eating, its like daggers piercing your body. Food ranges from cheap chinese to pizza and the fanciest they go is kabobs...the food realy sucks. For dessert Cosco brownies and cookies. yuck!
Getting dinner during late votes is an adventure. You can order in...chinese, pizza, greek...always too much food for dinner. We have the KFC/Taco Bell combo, the golden arches and wendy's but you have to drive there and the service is not terribly professional. You can walk up and down pennsylvania and get burritos, pizzas etc. but that leaves you vulnerable to missing votes. i prefer chinese food, walnut chicken and some soup...yummy!!!
Looking into windows to see other staffers and what they do.
Politics is glamorous.
Could the UK actually get colder with global warming?
Some scientists fear the risk of a collapse to warm Atlantic currents has
not been taken seriously.
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