Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Reinvented Blog

An old friend is back..he used to be an astronaut now he has transformed into an hommage to the 80's. He has a poll running on his site about what is the best television theme song from the 80's. I urge the A-Team but do what you will? The poll is at Go vote!


chagans said...

My favorite 1980s show (though it actually began in the 70s) is One Day at a Time, starring among others, Valerie Bertinelli.

For the life of me I can't remember the theme song though. It's a given that it's not on that list. Wikipedia, however, describes the theme song as "bouncy [and] popular". So there you go.

One Little Seedling said...

EWhat's Happening was my show. Nobody beats D.

Billy Hixx and the New Breed said...

Colin - If you look on the sidebar under "Neomaxizoomdweebies" there's a link to a great page that catalogues 80s TV themes, I am sure you can find One Day at a Time there . . .

chagans said...

Thanks Billy. Hmmm...well...it is bouncier than I remember.

m said...

A-team rules.

But so does Thundercats...



Blue Ryder said...

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip..."