My first experience with a famed and often maligned Japanese toilet was at the ANA hotel in Narita during a layover. It confused me even with the pictures, all i wanted to do was flush the toilet!! That was about 7 years ago and since then i have avoided any of the functionality of these high tech crappers.
My hotel in Taipei was all marble and cold in the morning. My first morning in country I turned on the heat seater and sat down. At first I was uncomfortable, but as i read my Taipei Times i started to appreciate having my ass warmed. So as i was getting ready to wipe i decided to use the ass washing function. While it sounds gross i did feel much cleaner.
Over the past week I have used all the variations. A rhythmic stream, made me feel a little weird; a heated stream seemed a little enema like, a more powerful stream...i'll just say the retort of "I'll shove (insert and item) up your ass" seemed very real and painful.
All that being said it made me feel cleaner and I do think that I want to get one, my question is dont they have toilets that have a better integrated system as opposed to the squirter attachement.
Awesome. You just blogged about cleaning your anus.
Best . . .
post . . .
I know alot more about you now, that I care to know. But, still- couldn't stop reading. Neato.
there is always the bidet hose which is the mini-me of the shower.
Brilliant post!
Check out this actual commercial by Toto for it's Washlet toilet. It is hilarious in three parts.
Part one is a very high-minded intro that could be about anything (living in harmony with nature, climate change), but then culminates in "the big reveal" - showing a toilet in the middle of waterfall.
Part two contains mock testimonials from what must be their core user (people with injured right hands, and an incontinent man who also has arthritis).
Part three gets weird! They've gotta demo the toilet but to show real people would be gross, so they go all space age with erie sound FX and a space age woman's voice who says things like "rear cleanse." Both brilliant and totally creepy! All the "be one with nature" stuff the just built up goes right out the door.
PS - Apparently people who use this at home miss it when they travel, so Toto makes a portable version - like a manual water pic - that you're supposed to carry around when you travel.
See: Toto Travel Washlet
How do you explain that at the airport x-ray machine?!?
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