Sunday, September 06, 2009

For Three Strange Days I had no obligations but a family Wedding

I spent the last three days with family attending the wedding of Angeli and Des. The rehersel and dinner was supposed to start at 400pm and that lasted until 100am. The wedding, the reception and post reception that started at 1100am and lasted for me until 100am. The post wedding brunch, lunch and dinner that started at 1100am and lasted until 900pm. These are hours of family time and I love every minute of it.

I still dont understand family that partied that only last a few hours, since I was born family parties lasted seemingly days, come for a BBQ stay for dinner and late night.

Highlight of Wedding:
Angeli gets married: She deserves it and it makes me realize that I can find love one day or maybe the person I love will finally see things my way.

Rebirth of pretend anchorman: It starts early in the evening, someone shouts, "Shots." What happens next is everyone starts to crowd around cups are passed out and shot are thrown back. Inevitable it is a horrible whiskey or worse jagermeister. Shots keep coming, we all start looking around to expand the circle. "I'll be 21 in October," Great you can join the circle. We also look for any elders to corrupt. This time it was Tita Zenida. Unfortunately that shot led to the family drama of the night. This mind set leads to notions of, "We have to kill the keg." or "We have to finish the handles." Yeah we are in our thirties and forties now.

Lechon: A roasted pig is a sign of a great family event. If you know where the lechon is or what time it is being brought out I suggest that this is the one time you have to be early to a family event. If you don't you will show up and have the pig will be gone and most of the crispy skin goodness will be gone. Ono and I were there early and we started to disassemble the roasted beast. i also found that if you use some pita, add the skin, some meat and some sauce that you have an awesome snack sandwich.

Moms will be Moms: "You are so drunk, already. Give me your car keys." Mom to me. Three shots and one beer in. My favorite, "You're getting so old you'll be alone." Ugghhhh!!

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