What do you mean you should have stayed here? I dont want to be the one that got away. You left me. Dont come back here. it was hard enough the first time.
She was the perfect girl, from Tennesse schooled in Boston working in DC. Ashley Judd looks, with Einstein's brain, a Scrubs sense of humor wrapped in policy wonk drive to learn. I was floored. I met her when we first came to DC as interns, damn Front Page, and we both stayed becaue we were offered jobs. We did everything together. The Oval is pretty cool. 4th of July at the WH. Why are we in Middleburg? WH and the Hill we could move the world. When she left my heart shattered. She wanted her MBA, why cant you stay here? GW or Georgetown has MBA programs why Chapel Hill? Im not going to stand in your way of bettering yourself, but dont leave.
3 girlfriends later, she's still the girl that is the measure for all others.
Dont came back here.
'I work alone in my pub because of staff shortages'
Hotel and restaurants say they are struggling to attract enough staff.
That's emo dude.
i know im such a dork
Ouch. That's pretty difficult to deal with. Perhaps she's become a representation of perfection now that it's been years. See how it plays out.
Don't be playing any Smiths at this time though.
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