Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Work is Hell

Today I noticed the staff was beaten up. I mean they had a look in their eyes like they were getting smacked around. I hate seeing that. I'm not sure what it is. We have good days and bad days. I have days when i feel like my soul has been sucked from my body but it never lasts. The look in the office is of a persons who have spent one month hiking without food. Starved and edgy but a determinition to finish the Appalachain Trail. I like to remind myself that work is hell and thats why they call it work. But i try to make it fun in the office and i guess i'm not succeeding. I know i am a bit of a workaholic and the hours and stress dont get to me..who am i kidding im smoking again and last sunday i was so drained i crashed all day. Work is Hell.

1 comment:

SoNSo1 said...

I thought war was hell.