Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Win the Battle lose the war

Lamont won in CT today vs Joe. Im scared for the party and our november chances. Will our moderates be able to win or in these swing districts will moderate voters scared of escalation of violence in middle east vote for republicans again. If we do win I hope the Democrats dont become isoaltionist. We oppose trade and we oppose securing peace in the middle east. Lamont talked abot uniting but he saw fit to take out a Democrat instead. This is the end of the party.

1 comment:

SoNSo1 said...

Gahh? "saw fit to take out a Democrat?" I would have to say that the people of Connecticut saw fit to make a change on who represents them.

Why is Lieberman running now as an independent? Trying to undermine the unity of the Democrats? He should stand down and accept his fate. Of course he did the same thing when he was vp nominee by not vacating his seat then in case of the win. What a sucka he is. He wants only what is good for Joe Lieberman and not the Democratic party. Good riddance.

I thought he was a mistake as Gore's VP. The man who gave credence to the Republican scam of impeachment should not have been anywhere near the white house.

Talk of end of the party is defeatist talk and plays right into the hands of the Republicans. Rally around the dems, because November is going to be something else.