Wednesday, November 08, 2006


70% was always bad in my eyes. It was C in school. It always seemed like you werent trying. We won by 70% and it was a huge thrill. most of the night we werer at 65% and then late numbers came in and we went to 70.

70 on my cable is MTv2.
70 is the averge speed i drive.
70 is the number of women I have had sex with.
70 is the number of times it takes me to remeber something.
70 is the most cigarettes i have smoked in a 24 our period.
70 is how much i give to charities of my choice.
70 is the best episode of Buffy, Zander and Willow kiss.
70 the number of parking tickets i have gotten.
70 the perfect temperature

70 rules! MAybe next time we hit 75%

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