Go vote! One vote can make a difference. 9000 votes in VA switvched power in the Senate. Too many people are beholden to party. party loyality has ruined out country. No one thinks for themselves, you have to follow party. You have to do what they say. Leadership is vision and doing what you think is best and not just toting party line. I hate that people are crucified for party affiliation. I hate that people are so blinded by party affiliation and just spouting rhetoric. What happaned to progress. What happaned to arguing debating finding common ground and moving forward. Everything is political. How can any asshole not believe in global warming. We doomed our country with blind party loyality. People tell me a third party would chnage things. Bullshit. its just athird set of inflexible ideas that people will scream about. People need to be their own thinker. Elected need to stop fearing phone calls and emails. Everyone needs to work towards progress. Its a lack of communication. Im not talking robocalls, signs, blogs, TV ads i mean about listening and talking to someone. Civic duty is communication.
If we keep drawing lines in the sand and fighting over rhetoric we will find that we are no longer the greatest country.
Leadership is about vision and communication.
Asteroid contains building blocks of life, say scientists
Bennu contains minerals and thousands of organic molecules, including the
chemical components that make up DNA.
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