BrowserMetrics had it right. Know your giftee and the job does itself. My best friend in DC ordered me 3x5 bespoke note cards. How funny. This is my wishlist. let me stress wishlist by no menas do I expect anyone ot buy some of these things it just helps me itemize my wants. Im also putting my list of presents together for friends and family and so far so good. Its hard to get presents for those people that have everything. Its even harder with giftlist because you never know if someone already got it.
I have a bone ot pick with Amazon. There is too much crap on their site. i wnated ot make sure my brother got something good and ended up on a page thta I thought was his wishlist but it ended up being a recommeneded gift list developed by Amazon. I ended getting him March of the Penguins and man oh man was that not even close to the mark. It was just plain bad. Amazon ruined X-mas.
On to my list...
Please no coal, please no coal, please no coal...i think I've been good this year so i sent Santa Claus my wish list:
Sling Box- So I can watch my Tivo on any wifi hotspot.
Subscription to the Economist- To stay on top of things and pretend I'm smart.
Three Musketeers Hard Cover Book- Greatest story ever told and my paperbacks are shredding quickly. Literally missing chapters on Clarice de Winters.
Les Halles cook book so that i can cook.
Gordon Ramsey's New Bio because he is the best chef in the world.
Wii - For Fun
PS3 so I can have a multimedia system like I'd play any games I just want the Blu-Ray.
Poker Chips and Cards- Enough for 6-8 persons.
Seiko Orange Face Dive Watch
Sony Bravia 40" to 52" LCD HD TV- Sorry Sony makes the best TV's. Pay for quality it is worth it.
British GQ or Esquire Subscriptions- Clothes and music I like.
Bill Bryson- Africa Book and Bio- He's funny and gets paid for making normal observations about the world. This guy has the best scam.
Series 3 TiVo
DVD- Russian Doll- Foreign Movies rule and foreign comedies are hilarious.
DVD- Secretary- Maggie Gyllenhall is the new Julia Stiles.
DVD- An Inconvenient Truth - A personw ith vision for country and World. Please run in '08.
iPod - 80 Gig Video- If it comes in red to help Africans thats all the cooler.
Smart Wool Socks- lightwieght ankle socks
Patagonia- Gift cards as many as possible
The Brothers Brooks Gift Cards as many as possible
Bliss Bars- Mammoth Mint Bath Bars
Mulberry Tan Walter Bag
Buffy Box Set
Macross Toys
Peace on Earth
End to Hunger and Starvation
A minimium wage increase
New Green tech to reverse our polluting ways.
New album will be unexpected, says Rihanna
The multi-Grammy Award winning singer has kept fans waiting for years for
her new album.
"New Green tech to reverse our polluting ways."
Ride a bike to work. :)
Dude . . . you're getting coal in your stocking and nothing more.
My new page is . . .
Why? Because astronuats rock!!!
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