Wednesday, February 07, 2007

DC Restaurant Review: Cafe Deluxe

Spacecadet76 was in town for a job quest. We grabbed P and headed out to an old stomping ground, Cafe Deluxe.

Cafe Deluxe has always been a main stay for me. I used to go every weekend. When family was in town we always went. When it was my turn to pick a place to eat i always picked it. I can honestly say that i have eaten here more then any other place in DC. When i lived in Woodley I would walk up to this place to eat all the time. CD is an americanized version of a french cafe or bistro.

Cafe Deluxe makes one of the best burgers in DC. Most people will tell you that grilling is the key to a good burger and i would agree with them whole heartedly, but when you try this burger it will open your palate up to a fried burger. Slightly toasted and buttered bus, whole leaf lettuce, a nicley sliced tomato, freshly ground beef fried to perfection. This is a burger i crave.

The fire roasted tomato soup is quality. Its a little lumpy but keeps the sweetness of the tomato. A perfect compliment to the grilled cheese.

The meatloaf is another fine selection. Thickly cut, with a spicy tomato sauce accompanied with skin on smashies, and green beans.

I really like the cesar salad. Homemade dressing.

Everything is good here, go and enjoy. Its cheap the real problem is that it is always crowded.

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