This show is ilarious and really came into its own during the later half of the season...You can catch full episodes on NBC. Alec Baldwin is hilarious and so is Tracy Morgan. Tina Fey is a great straight's just hilarious...check out these quotes:
Liz: You turtle faced goon, I'm going to cut you open like a TaunTaun, you mouth breathing Appalachian.
Jenna: I'm so glad you asked. Kabbalah is a wonderful religion that mixes the fun part of Judaism with magic.
Tracy: So where do you worship?
Jenna: Where don't you worship? My friend, Madonna ...(gets cut off)
Kenneth: Didn't you tell me to live every week like it's Shark Week? And that nothing's impossible except dinosaurs?
Kenneth: I'm sorry, this is a private party.
Ridikulous: We're with Tracy Jordan.
Kenneth: Mr. Jordan himself said, "Don't let no one in who's not on the list because this mess is gonna get raw, like sushi. So haters to the left".
Catch it, you'll like it.
How historic ceasefire deal was sealed with 10 minutes to spare
The BBC spoke to officials from both sides of the talks to piece together
how the Gaza deal was done.
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