Thursday, July 26, 2007

On The Way Home

Everytime I drive home fromwork, I find myslef trying to race whoever is next to me. I feel like it is an afront to my manhood if challanged...however my driving doesn't much resemble a Formula One expert as much as a Obsessive Compulsive maniac determined to find the best line home. For example, i'll be racing down Rock Creek Park parkway but I'll stay in the left lane beause it trims time even if their is a ton of traffic. I have been using my iPhone timer and I have been cutting time everywhere. I find weaving doesnt trim time and make me lose focus on cutting down time.


One Little Seedling said...

I coould use a Nano with preloaded love.

ART said...

Is that really safe? Timing your rides home?

Hokie Girl 99 said...

I do the same thing on my way home but instead it is all about strategic seating placement on the MARC train so that as soon at the doors open at my station i can run from the train to the parking garage and up 3 flights of stairs to my car so that i can be one of the first people out of the garage and on my way to 295.