Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I know with your busy life it is hard to get free time but for god's sake go catch some waves.

Black ink is not formal.

Take pictures of everything and everybody

Always have the cheese plate.

Brooks Brothers dark blue blazer rules

The quality of the card stock should help you make a decision.

Eat dim sum and get the giant clam.

Patagonia rules.

Watch Le Tour, relish the mountain stages and watch the dance of the riders.

When you are down about work watch Office Space.

After ten days in China eating at the McDonald's is fine but make sure you get the pineapple sundae.

Always root against Arsenal and the Italians (in everything especially soccer).

Hang with the geek, they are smart, considerate and will eventually rule the world.

Always buy tickets to the gun show.

Eat breakfast whenever you want.

Barbecue only comes from North Carolina.

Always serve rice.

With your suit wear the stripped socks.

Get a roof rack.

Stop flipping off people when they are bad drivers.

Its okay to upgrade your gadgets.

The toaster oven kicks the microwave in the ass.

Don't taunt monkeys.

Wash your feet regularily.

Demand that Chick-fil-a open up on Sundays!

The Bitter End, its a yacht club and you should get on a boat and go.

Stop wearing flip flops at work.


Blue Ryder said...

Don't taunt monkeys? Awww come on. Please?

ART said...

Chic-fil-a is closed on Sunday because everyone should have a day off - not just the lucky punks who have cushy day jobs. BAKE YOUR OWN CHICKEN.

Billy Hixx and the New Breed said...

I agree with Blue Ryder. Seriously, man, I don't even know you anymore!
What happened to the guy who wanted to a create a society defended by an army of viking monkeys! I weep for you my friend. So sad.

CapitolSwell said...

I never said anything about harnassing monkeys for our benefit. note I fully support helper monkey's like Mojo for allAmericans. I support my monkey army fully..the point I am making is you odnt taunt your helper monkey or monkey army...because if you do they throw poop at you.