Monday, December 17, 2007

Movies to remake: Office Space

It's prime time to remake this movie...not becauise it is bad or needs to be updated but more on the lines of why not...i think Aniston was a sore spot in the movie...she seemed too cute for the role. You need someone a little harder like Megan Fox from the Transformer movie....then you take the Superbad guys and put them in the remake of Office Space. McLovin would be Samir, Fat dude would be Michel Bolton and the skinny kid would be Peter. Lumberg would be Zach Braff...Milton would be well Stephen Root, again. What do you all think?


ART said...

um,k. We're going to need you to come in on Sunday.

SoNSo1 said...

Why don't we just colorize Casablanca? Or put a mustache on the Mona Lisa? You are crazy for wanting a remake. Especially with those super bad dudes. They'll bring along the Judd Apatow crowd which would ruin the whole thing.

As Peter had said "for all the holy..."

The movie is perfect the way it is. Anniston was not the sore spot for the movie. In fact, it's probably the best choice. She was popular from Friends. And it was absolutely a horror to witness her in the theatre. Imagine if you will the original sell of the movie as some kind of Friends offshoot. Hilarious for the people who didn't get it.

No on Megan Fox. She's a hottie, but she'll be distracting. You need someone sweet like Aniston.

Don't get me started on the superbad dudes. They'll ruin the movie.

Think man.

You're crazy.

Blue Ryder said...

Is THIS what you're doing instead of pushing those guys up on the hill to approve the budget for DOD Malaria Research in Africa????

Jeez man.

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone should touch a classic.

One Little Seedling said...

Scorsese should remake it and end it in utter macabre. Instead of the building burning down everyone should blast each other in the head.

Then have Mark Walberg show up in a dish washing outfit from some hospital cafeteria to pop Aniston's character while she's eating a chicken wing.