Politics is not for the faint of heart. Its not an occupation that is based on ideas of ending poverty versus creating an unstoppable military-industrial complex. Because if politics was that simple ending povverty would prevail nine times out of ten. Politcs is about winning. You want to win so that you can make the decisions that run our great country. You want to be the person that says healthcare for all. You want to win so badly which means that sometimes someone has to lose and if needs be lose badly.
Im a confused Democrat, im fighting my wants and desires versus what i see as the political landscape. Its getting to be a desperate hour as the primary continues. Evevryone says that Hillary's camp wil stop at nothing to get the Dem nod, but the first stones were cast by the flip flop remarks of Obama. Bill Richardson even said Obamas remarks were out of line.
Both sides have slaughtered each other to gain an upper hand, which neither have. I just hope we dont open the door to McCain. We need unity. We need Al Gore!
Fighting rages in Assad heartland of Syria
"Huge reinforcements" are heading to Latakia province after clashes
reportedly claim dozens of lives.
Yes. It's all about taking out McCain.
But some people just won't let get. *cough* hilary *cough*
Then her base would rather vote for McCain than Obama if she should lose. WTF. WTF. WTF.
Can't those numbnuts do anything right. It's the perfect time for a Dem in the WH and they spending their time tarnishing each others image. WTF. WTF. *cough* hilary *cough*
The Clintons need to go into the sunset. Fuck. She's really pissing me off.
She's really pissing me off too. GIVE IT UP, LADY.
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