Thursday, March 27, 2008

Planters' Cheese Balls

What happened to the Planters' Cheese balls? It was a puff cheesey snack food that came in a round blue stocky tube with a yellow lid. It also came in the cheese curl variety but the cheese balls were better. If any of the readers out there find them please buy as many cans as possible and then ship them to me.


SoNSo1 said...

Sorry, the cheese curls were better. It was the "real cheese flavor" that made these good snacks.

Unfortunately, they were discontinued in 2006. I don't know why. All we're left with is the lame cheetos and its other knock offs.

Billy Hixx and the New Breed said...

nothing tastes better during a hangover in Madrid than cheese puffs (curve or ball)and Aquarius. So good. Muy bueno.

One Little Seedling said...

Man . I remember those. You guys always had 'em in your cabinet. They were the perfect the to snack on after skateboarding... mmm man I miss those things.

Discontinued? Sounds fishy.

@margeemateo said...

yeah where are they? maybe if someone is making underground Planters' Cheese Balls you'll find them as a goodie in the backdoor ports of third world countries such as, as much as i hesitate to type this name up, the Philippines. but hey! thats the truth.

and yeah, there's Cheetos which comes in a puffy type, then the thin ones with the extra cheese which makes your hands be orange, then the jalapeno cheetos. now, that was good! then there's also Utz. and also that party mix.

m said...

ohhhhh heaven. planters' cheese balls was de rigeur snack after a full day at the pool, walking home totally waterlogged and crisp from the sun. that and a chocolate eclair ice cream bar with the gooey chocolate center. please god have mrecy and at least do not discontinue those.

m said...

Steve said...

At my Kroger there is a store-brand of Cheese Balls that is a pretty good approximation of the good old Planters variety.

A little bigger, not quite as cheesy, but all in all satisfying!