So bathroom ettiquette is important to me. Simple never take stall or urinal next to someone and no talking and absolutely no touching. There has to be a buffer zone. I like my privacy and you need the stink buffe. I hate it when I'm reading the paper and someone comes rushing in and plops down next to you and just rips it. Anyway I was in the buildingd bathroom yesterday, when i got there the near stall was occupied, but no one in middle or far stall. brilliant I'll just go to far stall. I get in there pull out roll call and I'm good to go. There usually isnt too much traffic in this bathrrom. When I was in there it was like grand central.
So i'm reading roll call minding my own business when i feel a taping on my shoe. I ignore it at first mainly because I'm creeped out and maybe because it is an accident. It happens again. Bathroom ettiquette breached. "What the fuck?" I belt out. I quickly leave the stall and find sniveling guy looking at me and turning away, looking at me and turning away. We are about ten feet apart and i repeat, "what the fuck, dude?" he just keeps looking at me and turning away. I wash up and leave. The whole time the guy is just looking at me.
Totally creeped out I race back to my office.
UK revokes accreditation for two Russian diplomatic officials
It comes after two British officials were accused of spying and ordered to
leave Russia on Monday.
I think you just creeped me out of ever using a public restroom ever again.
I'm so creeped out now.
DId you check credentials? He could've been a terrorist.
Or maybe he had the squirts and was embarresed.
At least you know someone finds you sexy enough to masturbate to...
Maaybe it's one of the ghosts of capitol hill? Ooogie-booogie
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