Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I was 16 and on spring break in hawaii...i flew out with Al to ride some waves at Sandy's in hawaii...we had plate lunch every day, more shave ice then i can imagine and some killer food...OnoCoffee made this killer steak with some oniony thing...for those of you who have never had plate lunch then you havent lived.

Sandy's is a shore break, that breaks over rocks...but it is a sweet overhead wave that powers through the middle and reforms on shore...a nice outside would bust out... and you would have to paddle like hell to make sure you didnt get stomped on... it was such a great wave, you could get tubed pull multiple tricks or just carve it up...we lsitened to seven seconds like the whole trip.

It was fun to just ride with Al and OnoCoffee paddled out as well..

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